PRP for muscosceletal treatment

What is PRP?

PRP is an acronym for Platelet-Rich Plasma and means plasma that has been enriched with a high degree of platelet concentration. PRP utilizes platelet-rich plasma from an individual’s blood to stimulate the repair and regeneration of damaged bone and soft tissue of the same individual.


PRP is safe

Using autologous blood means there is no risk of infection, allergic reaction or any other side effect.

PRP is convenient

The treatment is quick and absolutely noninvasive.

PRP is effective

Because the treatment uses growth factors, its effects are superior and long lasting.

PRP is natural

Patients feel no sense of violation.

PRP Mechanism

Dr. PRP is used to prepare PRP for muscosceletal treatment.


  • Shoulder: Frozen shoulder, damaged shoulder rotator cuff, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, …
  • Elbow: Chronic elbow inflammation, tennis elbow, degenerative arthritis, …
  • Hand: Chronic inflammation, degenerative arthritis, cartilage damage, ligament injuries, …
  • Hip: Chronic hip inflammation, degenerative arthritis, cartilage damage, tendon injury, …
  • Foot: Plantar fasciïtis, achilles tendinitis, ligament injury of ankle, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, sports ligament injuries,
  • Knee: Recovery from postoperative pain, chondromalacia patellae, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, tendon injury, recovery from postoperative ACL reconstruction, …


All sports muscle injuries (acute administering within 48h), chronic pain, …


All chronic tendon injuries.


All ligament injuries, recovery from postoperative ligament reconstruction, …


Temporomandibular joint