Source: Arthrosc Tech. 2014 Dec; 3(6): e713–e717.
Authors: Mikel Sánchez, M.D.,Nicolás Fiz M.D., Jorge Guadilla M.D., Sabino Padilla M.D., Ph.D., Eduardo Anitua M.D., Ph.D., Pello Sánchez M.Sc. and Diego Delgado Ph.D.
Intraosseous infiltration exploits the communication between the cartilage and subchondral bone such that PRP reaches the deeper layers of cartilage. There is a viscous consistency of PRP and the cellular material of subchondral bone that coagulates and remains in the areas of injured cartilage from which it has come (Fig 4). In addition, infiltrating PRP directly into the subchondral bone could act on this tissue and its mesenchymal stem cells; these cells would be maintained in the PRP matrix and modulate the repair process of subchondral bone, which has a direct impact on halting the progression of OA.6 Therefore, with our technique, PRP could achieve a more extensive range of action and, thereby, higher effectiveness and could be useful not only in severe OA but also in other pathologie